i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Saturday, May 1, 2010

wow, wow, in a big way. this blog has been on the bottom of my list to keep up with, by no fault of its own. other things have taken precedent in life recently. things like: hand picking grapes for a few weeks while staying at carolyn's house, finding new and exciting ways to make fun of thomas for having a broken nose (in a hard-core sense, though, because he broke it during his first rugby game and CONTINUED PLAYING. what?), making plans for our winter months, changing plans for our winter months, living in queenstown on the waterfront AS IT FLOODED. things like that.

one thing i noticed today about new zealand, and should you ever come to visit i am certain you will too, is that a big chunk of new zealand's economy must operate on the movement of traffic cones. i don't think i have ever, i mean EVER, driven for more than a day here where i was not instructed where to turn or what is off limits by traffic cones. nine out of ten times, these cones are accompanied by a group of construction men who methodically move the cones back and forth six or so inches every few minutes. perhaps the US should take a page from new zealand's book and begin implementing the cone-employment stage of development. they've only got a 6% rate of unemployment, and from what i understand, that's saying something nowadays.

in other news, robin and i will be leaving queenstown sometime this week and our always incredibly tentative plan is to head to dunedin for a hot minute to see emily shine for a night or two, maybe shave our heads for $1000 cash if timing works out, drive up to picton where we will get a ferry to the north island to move in with caroline and eva for two months! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT LIVING WITH CARO AND EVA AGAIN. after our entirely successful hangzone week together at the beginning of april, we have been craving one another's company since then, and this is the best way for the four of us to reunite. robin and i need to get jobs in wellington while we are there, too. the headshaving bit should have tipped you off.

i am still learning so much while being in new zealand. i am learning how difficult it is to let go of a future path that i had (sort of) planned for myself upon realizing i want something entirely different. choosing a new direction seems to be hard, no matter how much i want to head that way.

sorry about the bad posting! my may 2nd resolution is to be better about it! ha! no one keeps may 2nd resolutions!


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