i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Thursday, May 13, 2010

robin and i are in wellington living at caroline and eva's house! it feels sooooooo good to be here even though we are all sharing beds right now because we are overlapping with laura, the woman who owns the house and whose room we will soon inhabit. we are furiously (not so furiously) applying for jobs to make a little money, honey. and there are people like us applying for jobs EVERYWHERE! it's a bit daunting because most people don't have a visa that expires in four months like ours do. we will hope for a job so that we can stay with caro and eva until the end of june, but if not, we have two wonderful new zealand families who want us to come live with them for the winter. grateful.

this may be the most important news of my new zealand life: i was happily given my all-time favorite song by caro and eva. oh, please, stop everything right now and listen to it! better yet, watch Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes perform "Home" on youtube filmed live at KRCW. better better yet, here's the link for it. do it now and watch with goosebumps, as i did, how alive living can be.



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