i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Friday, May 7, 2010

can someone explain these to me? i saw a woman wearing a pair of them again today, and their prevalence in new zealand has started to be a bit unsettling. are these a big thing in the US right now? why, god, why would it make sense to slide one's tiny toes into foot gloves - that you wear outside? i understand that i carry little clout regarding fashion footwear, as i have proudly been a sponsor and supporter of the bogan movement while in new zealand, but still. what?

in other news, robin and i finished our "jobs" cleaning a hostel in exchange for accommodation on wednesday and are leaving queenstown tomorrow with a brief stop in dundein to spend a night with emily shine and then up the coast through kaikoura to catch the ferry on tuesday back to wellington on the north island! oh! right. so, after a two week investigation into the queenstown job market, we have realized that well, there is none unless you can be here for the full winter ski and snowboard season which ends in october. our visas only allow us to be here until september, so most employers are not excited to hire travelers for only a brief period. SO! caroline and eva who we visited for a week and a half at the beginning of april suggested that we come live with them for the winter! AND DUH WE ARE SO EXCITED TO DO SO! the four of us living together was such fun, and i am eagerly anticipating our reunion. so yes. want to come visit? we'll be in wellington.

if you have been reading robin's blog, you would know that we were thinking about shaving our heads for $1000 cash. this has become a non-issue recently as we are not still going to be on the south island when the head shaving would commence. in light of this change, i mostly feel like a baby fairy who was agonizing over this "huge" decision. i will, though, since i will not actually be faced with the decision, go ahead and say that YES I TOTALLY WOULD HAVE DONE IT. but maybe not. who knows. i suppose if i were really excited to do it and if i had the courage to, i would really look like tom lentz's daughter right now. but instead, my head is warm and my hair ego is intact.


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