i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Friday, May 28, 2010

i have completed two, yes TWO, weeks of work as the manager of Marocka. lots of things in life feel different working a full time job. for one, weekends mean something significant nowadays. for the past nine months, weekends only mean that the library is closed and if we are at carolyn's, then wayne comes home. now weekends are the brightest stars of life. that's not true. but kind of.

i am learning heaps and am challenged every day, not by the job itself, but all the small things that go into running a business. today on my lunch hour (ha! i have a lunch hour now!) i met a prospective jeweler and perused last week's sales. it all still feels as if this is a huge joke, but it seems to be less and less funny as the joke has no sight in end.

in other and much more incredible news, i only recently learned what a theremin is, and it has blown my mind. the theremin, the world's first electronic instrument and the ONLY instrument that is played without being touched, was invented in 1919 by russian inventor leon theremin. i watched four seeming nerds play the electronic gem of their choice in covering gnarls barkley's "crazy." it literally took my breath away seeing it for the first time. now it's twenty minutes later and i haven't stopped learning about this thing. AWESOME.

yesterday i had to take time off of work to go to the optometrist, only to learn that i have a) been technically night blind for a few years and b) have an astigmatism! i ordered glasses yesterday, and i get them in two weeks! I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THE GIFT OF SIGHT to be a new and improved gift of sight! whoopie!


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