i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Saturday, May 15, 2010

i don't want to be someone who overuses the word "crazy," but things have gone crazy. let me paint you a picture of the last few days.

tuesday: robin and i sleep in our car waiting to get the ferry to wellington among the mice that cohabitate our 1988 toyota carona.

wednesday: robin and i shell out 15 big bucks to sleep on a patch of dirt in downtown wellington, waiting to sneak attack live in caroline and eva's house.

thursday: robin and i walk around wellington handing our resumes.

friday: i get an interview at Marocka (i don't know why my premature allegiance to this store makes me want to capitalize it), a small VERY FANCY clothing boutique in downtown wellington.

saturday: i meet the new owners of Marocka who hire me, offer me a year long salary, tell me about my paid vacation time, and offer to sponsor me for my new zealand residency.

sunday (today): robin and i tearfully come to terms with the fact that my fun, flippant, no-money life has come to an end. the remainder of our new zealand lives will be different and not entirely as fun. i go shopping for terribly expensive "work" clothes. what?

monday (tomorrow): i start work as the manager of Marocka. not entirely knowing what i am doing, but excited about getting to spend another year in new zealand.

amazing where a week can take you.

what's crazy (see? there it is.) is that my mom is in honduras, so she doesn't even know yet that it looks like i will be missing thanksgiving 2010 for the third year in a row. don't get me wrong, i still have thanksgivings. they have just taken place in ghana and new zealand.

i was a little freaked out about how quickly this all happened and didn't feel like i had time to mourn the loss of jobless-kid-maggie, until carolyn, who i had emailed with on saturday night about new job, called to calm me and robin down. she's good like that.

i am so lucky to know that even if robin has to leave new zealand for a while in september and i am left behind (in the rapture) in this amazing country, i have families here that love me. the first email carolyn sent last night said "this is great news because now you can spend christmas with us again!" i am lucky.

so. bottom line. in seventeen short hours i will be the manager and clothes buyer of Marocka in wellington. come check us out. i have no clue our hours.

oh silly life, you are a fickle beast. just like me!



  1. holy crap, magzor! crazy news but so awesome that you got a job. you can always be fun, flippant, and have no monies when you get back to the states!

  2. woowoowoowoowoo!!!!!!! now i have time to save money for a visit!
