i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Thursday, June 10, 2010

i have almost finished four full weeks of work! which is incredible because i don't like working - in general. being the manager of Marocka is slowly becoming more exciting, as last week i did my first clothing and jewelry buy. a buy goes something like this: 1) a giant package of individually cellophane wrapped sample clothes comes to the store 2) i freak out like a kid at christmas and tear into all the clothes 3) ten minutes later after the dust has settled, i pick out the pieces that i think will fit in with the store's style and order those. it is fun! (it is okay.)

last week when robin still had a job with greenpeace we took pictures of robin, eva, and me at our respective jobs. the pictures are quite telling in that none of us look particularly happie. we didn't get to stop by caroline's work, but know that she, too, looks mostly miserable most of the time.


so, i am working always, robin is leaving to go to carolyn's tomorrow, and it is always raining in wellington. things could be looking pretty bleak, BUT! somehow they still don't. today i noticed that two of the little bus-stop home things on the way into town have plants growing in their gutters! what are gutters for anyway? i like the idea so much more of them housing accidental fernery. a decorated path to work!

also, with all the rain everything is turning bright baby green again! it reminds me so much of all the times robin and i have driven through fjordland national park, which next to some spot in hawai'i gets more rain than anywhere else on this planet (this fact according to jared diamond). in fjordland there were tiny booger fungi growing on bigger fungi mushrooms growing on giant queen-of-it-all trees. nature's gaudy display of its imperial reign over everything. i remember one evening as we were driving from carolyn's to queenstown noticing that a stop sign (there are NO stop signs in new zealand, so it's amazing to see one period.) had moss growing all over it. i so liked the image of seeing life growing on even the most mundane parts of life. STOP! - for all that is living.

got to go hug robin for the rest of the night. bye bye.


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