i don't know how to make this picture not so big

i don't know how to make this picture not so big

Thursday, November 5, 2009

after just having dinner, i have come back to the computer to finish an email and now to explain what i mean about carolyn's kids being cool. tonight's dinner was a simple pasta and tomato sauce because carolyn and her husband are at her daughter's graduation. she forgot to invite the 16 year old, thomas, so he was left here with me and robin. one particularly good dinner conversation included the idea of robin making mugs and then thomas coming up with what to write on them. his idea was to write this on the mug: "hey, look behind you. i'm standing here all creepy. don't think this is stupid just because i am a cup. this is real shit (his words, not mine). yeah." see how that's funny? oh god, i hope this translates in writing.

also, i know i just suggested that you all get on a plane and come visit, but instead could you wire me the money you would spend on a ticket? a few days ago, i made a bet with robin that didn't turn out in my favor, and now i owe her $5000. whoops.


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